Uk second Wave: COVID-19 spread in the Capital London

 UK lockdown due to increased Covid cases

London’s mayor Sadiq Khan is « extremely concerned» about the spread of coronavirus cases in UK. The mayor called for an urgent COBRA meeting in order to impose new restrictions to slow the spread of the pandemic 

Sadiq Khan claims: « with rates of COVID-19 rising across the UK, there can be no excuse for the PM not to convene a COBRA meeting this weekend, to take tough decisions now on further restrictions ». There has been no COBRA meeting since May, and London mayor finds it necessary to speak to the PM after four months of silence. 

UK is living a second wave of COVID-19 according to PM and Londoners should be as concerned as Sadiq Khan is about the current situation. 

Health secretary refuses a second national lockdown 

UK health secretary says « we will do what is necessary to keep people safe in a very difficult pandemic ». Matt Hancock refuses a national lockdown because he is aware that the lockdown will impact the country’s economy. The health secretary claims that the aim is to reduce the number of cases. He prefers to opt for local actions as the tough restrictions passed locally on different parts of the country mainly in the North East, Birmingham, Greater Manchester, and Leicester. 

However, to avoid a full national lockdown, the government suggests a 2 week « circuit-break »; schools and offices will remain open but serious restrictions on social activities like pubs and restaurants.
