Singapore fights Covid with a new device

TraceTogether device in Singapore to protect community

Singapore government launched TraceTogether tokens in order to preserve its citizens and reduce the spread of coronavirus.

The government distributed self-check in devices which tracks people's activities including the places they have been in and person's they've interacted with in order to protect community.

The device is mainly done for the ones who do not own contact tracing app on their phones; especially old people. The device tracker is a small bluetooth token that collects data and connects with other devices. It also exchanges data with users of contact tracing app through bluetooth signals.

In case someone is tested positive by Covid-19, the token is handled to the government that will have access to the person's data to locate and identifies his movement while infected. Thus, the government is guided to keep further control on the virus.

However, Singapore citizens' main concern is their personal data, though the device does not have access to them because everything is stored in encrypted form. 
