Kanye West Ye outraged pees on his Grammy and tweeted his confidential contract page by page

 Kanye West Ye recording himself pissing on his own Grammy and asked Bono, Drake, and Taylor Swift to retweet and promised "Trust me... I WONT STOP" !

Ye has been posting days before about his gripes with the music industry and claims in a tweet that " there is no NBA or music industry without black people.. fair contracts matter... ownership matters".

The rapper considers himself the only one that can speak about the issue of masters ownership wihtout worrying about a record label because he "made multi billions outside of music".

he added that Black people have long been suffering discriminaion and in two tweets he mentions Michael Jackson as being enslaved by music industry and got rid of him by killing him.

In another tweet he shares a picture of Prince in which he promised to change the current situation of being "enslaved" by the record labels who refused to tell him the cost of his masters because "THEY KNOW I CAN AFFORD TO BUY THEM"

After many tweets, Ye ended up by urinating on one of his Grammy. Oh yeah, that is the straw that broke the camal's back.
